Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Ellen Degerenes' Dog - Drama

> Yesterday, on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, the host pleaded with the dog rescue group, "Mutts and Moms" to return a dog they seized. According to the Associated Press, DeGeneres claimed the dog did not mesh well with her cats, so she gave it to her hair-stylist, in what Mutts and Moms called a breach of her adoption contract; however, Ellen's publicist said what she did was in the best nature of the animal -- a Brussels Griffon terrier mix named Iggy.

Because of the statement on her show, the organization, especially Marina Batkis, received "...voicemail and email threats of death and arson." Batkis did not believe the family was well-suited to own a dog for reasons not specified.

"It's very upsetting to hear that someone is getting those kind of calls," DeGeneres' publicist Kelly Bush said. "Ellen just wants the dog reunited with the family."

While it is just a dog, it's validating to see so much effort poured forth to protect the rights and well-being of an animal. My only hope is that that is the true nature of this group's doggy-dogma.

Also, click here to watch the video of Ellen pleading on her show yesterday.


Anonymous said...

Have you seen how much they've made fun of this on Best Week Ever and The Soup?


Anonymous said...

Well said.