Monday, October 01, 2007

Desperate Housewives: Season 4 Premiere & Video Clip

Desperate Housewives' season finales read like Dan Brown novels -- instead of resolving the crisis at the end of the chapter (or season) they clean up the mess in the opening of the next. Just so it's understood: it's a cheap tactic -- but effective everytime.

Premiere 4 chases last season's finale with the revelation that Edie did not, in fact, kill herself. The episode wasn't much of a departure from the traditional "DH"-drift, but did serve up a good juxtaposition of the ups and downs of domestic life. If Felicity Huffman doesn't win for her performance alone, we should lose all hope in the integrity of the Emmys -- even bald and battling cancer, Lynette is still not as ugly as Betty (Curses, America F!). Here are a few of the better scenes from last night's premiere.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm kind of not shocked that Edie isn't really dead. . .I am kind of disappointed, though. I mean, I loved that character (when I actually watched this show), but it's lame if you make people believe a character is dead, and then they're not ACTUALLY dead. . .
